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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ezekiel Wrap with Ground Lamb (beef)

8-10       Ezekiel  4:9  tortillas
1            pound ground lamb or beef
1            medium onion chopped into 4 pieces
2            cloves of garlic 
2            medium bell peppers cut into pieces
1            Jalapeño Pepper seeded and cut into 4 pieces (optional)
1            tomato cut in half
handful of parsley and cilantro 
Sea salt and pepper to taste

  • preheat the oven to 420 degrees.

  • Put onion,  garlic, bell pepper,  jalapeno pepper, tomato, parsley and cilantro in a food processor and process until finely chopped.

  • Add ground meat, sea salt and pepper and pulse a few times until the consistency of  paste.

  • Spread the paste evenly on the  tortillas.

  • bake each tortilla for 5 minutes in the oven.

  • Remove from the oven, cool for a few minutes and roll up the tortillas.

Okra Stew

3         tablespoons coconut oil
1         onion finely sliced
2         medium heads of garlic
1 1/2   pound tomatoes chopped
1         pound lamb or beef stew meat
sea salt and pepper to taste
1         pound young okra (about 1 1/2 to 2 inches long)
Juice of  1 fresh lemon
Pinch of saffron (optional)

  • Trim 1/2 to 3/4 off the top of each okra stem.  Do not cut the pod or ribbed body. Set aside.

  • Saute the onions in heated coconut oil in a medium pot until translucent. Add meat and saute.

  • Season with sea salt and pepper.

  • Add tomatoes and the whole heads of garlic, cover and let cook on low heat until the meat  is almost tender and ready (about 1 1/2-2 hours).

  • Rinse okra.

  • Toss in okra, lemon juice and saffron and let simmer for 30 minutes. Make sure that the okra is not overcooked; it is ready as soon as its colors start changing to dark green.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


5          pounds tomatoes
2          tablespoons butter
1 1/3    cup chopped onion
3/4       cup green, red or yellow bell pepper.
4          tablespoons tomato paste
1/4       teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4       teaspoon ground mustard seeds
1/4       teaspoon cumin powder
1          teaspoon sea salt (add more to taste)
1/3       cup bean flour
2          tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2          tablespoons Bragg Liquid Amino
3 1/2    tablespoons xylitol

  • Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.

  • Puree tomatoes in a blender.

  • On a medium to low heat melt the butter and saute the onions and peppers until golden in a medium pot.

  • Pour the tomato puree along with tomato paste, cayenne pepper, ground mustard seed and cumin powder into the pot. Mix well.

  • Bring to a boil, cover and transfer to the oven for 2 1/2 hours. Incorporate  sea salt and bean flour and return to the oven for another hour.

  • Remove from the oven  add xylitol , apple cider vinegar and Liquid Amino to the pot, mix well, and simmer on the stove while you are adding the ingredients.

  • Return to the oven and cook for another hour or until the desired consistency. Add more sea salt to taste.

Celery Smoothie

4      stalks of celery, diced 
5      frozen strawberries
1/2   frozen banana
1      small tomato
ice cubes

Mix all the ingredients in Vita-Mix or high speed blender.

Cantaloupe Beet Smoothie

1       cup cantaloupe chopped in small pieces
         (about 1/4 of a medium cantaloupe)
1/2    cup coconut milk
1       tablespoon chia seeds soaked in water
1       small beet chopped in half
1/2    frozen banana 
Ice cubes as needed

Mix all the ingredients in a Vita-Mix or a high speed blender.

Tip: Mix 1/3 cup chia seeds with 1 cup of water and pour  into an ice cube tray. Freeze and use as you need ice cubes.

Salmon with Green Beans and Pear Sauce

9      ounces of wild salmon fillet without skin (tail part is easier to cut into strips later)
Sea salt and pepper to taste
1      tablespoon coconut oil
1      tablespoon butter
1      pound green beans
A few 9-inch bamboo skewers

  • Cut green beans lengthwise. Steam until tender.

  • Season salmon fillet to taste.

  • Cut salmon fillet into thin strips approximately 7x1/2 x1/2  inches.  Roll each strip into a cylinder and thread on a bamboo skewer make sure the skewer goes through all layers of each  salmon roll and it is secured on it. Five or six rolls of salmon will fit on each bamboo skewer.

  • Heat the oil in a frying pan and add butter. Place the skewer inside the pan and turn so that each side is fried and well cooked.

  • Season green beans and place them in a dish.  Top the beans with salmon and pour the sauce on top.

Pear Sauce

1/3          cup organic or raw cream
1/3          cup organic or raw milk
1             tablespoon black bean flour
Puree of half of a medium pear (use microplane)
1-1 1/2   tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/2         teaspoon whole peppercorns (optional)

  • Mix milk, cream and flour in the same  pan that you used for the fish.

  • Bring to a boil and lower the heat.

  • Add pear, lemon juice and peppercorns. Simmer until sauce thickens.

Lamb Stew with Almond Meal

2         tablespoons coconut oil
1         tablespoon raw or organic butter  
1         teaspoon cumin powder
1/2      teaspoon turmeric powder
1         medium onion sliced into thin layers
1         pound lamb or beef cut into small pieces ( with or without bone)
1/3      cup red beans
1/2      cup almond meal or almond flour
3         tablespoons Bragg Liquid Aminos 
2         cups chopped celery
1 1/2   cup water
Sea salt and pepper to taste
Handful of cauliflower florets (optional)

  • Preheat the oven to 275 degrees.

  • Heat a medium cast iron pot on medium.  Add coconut oil then butter.  Lower the heat then add cumin and turmeric powders.  Stir constantly for 30 seconds. 

  • Toss in the onions and saute until translucent. 

  • Add lamb or beef and saute for 5 more minutes.  

  • Add red beans, almond meal, Bragg Liquid Aminos, celery  and water in the pot.  Season with sea salt and pepper.  Mix well and transfer to the oven. Let the stew cook for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours. 

  • Optional:  add cauliflower florets to the pot, 15 minutes before the stew is done. 

Quinoa with Sauteed Vegetables

1           cup quinoa
1/3-1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
2           cups filtered water
4           tablespoons coconut oil
1           onion finely chopped
2           cloves of garlic finely chopped
1           medium eggplant thinly sliced 
1           mild jalapeno pepper seeded and cut into small pieces
2           small green, red or yellow peppers cut into small pieces
2           small yellow squash
1           medium zucchini cut into thin slices
2           tomatoes cut into small pieces
Sea salt and pepper to taste
1/2       teaspoon turmeric powder

  • Wash quinoa several times.

  • Soak quinoa in 2 cups of water, vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon sea salt for at least half an hour.  Meanwhile prepare and cut the vegetables.

  • Heat coconut oil in a medium to large saute pan. Add onion and saute until translucent; then add garlic and saute for couple of minutes.

  • Gradually mix in the rest of the vegetables starting with eggplant. Take your time. Each time you add new vegetables make sure the previous ones have been sauteed thoroughly . End with tomatoes.

  • Season with salt, pepper and turmeric powder.

  • Pour soaked quinoa mixture into the pan, cover, and let simmer for at least 15 minutes.

Avocado Dressing

1/2     cup grated comte cheese or other raw cheese with similar taste
1/4     cup avocado oil
1/4     cup olive oil
1        large ripe avocado
juice of 1 lemon
Sea salt and pepper
1        tomato
1        Tablespoon fresh mint or basil or both
1/2     cup chopped parsley

  • Mix all the ingredients in a Vita-Mix or a food processor. 

  • Use the dressing with your favorite greens.

Chocolate Nut Bar

Cocoa layer:

1/2    cup walnuts
1/2    cup almonds
1/2    cup macadamia nuts
1       cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4    cup sesame seeds
1/3    cup date syrup  
2       tablespoons coconut butter
Stevia powder to taste (optional)

  • Mix all the ingredients in a food processor until mixture is smooth.


Seed layer is also mostly grainless granola :

1/2   cup walnuts

1/2   cup cashews

1/3   cup coconut flakes

1/4   cup pumpkin seeds

1/4   cup sunflower seeds

2      tablespoons date or coconut syrup or honey

1/2   cup plus 1 tablespoon coconut milk

Zest of 1 lemon or orange

  • Mix together walnuts, cashews, coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds in a food processor bowl. Pulse until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. 

  • Transfer to a glass container with a tight lid.  Add coconut milk, syrup ( or honey ) and lemon zest to the container and incorporate well.  Cover and soak over night in the refrigerator.

  • Line an 8x8 inches glass container with a lid with plastic wrap. 

  • Spread cocoa layer at the bottom; carefully spread the seed layer on top of the cocoa layer. Place in the freezer for several hours. Use the plastic wrap to un mold.

  • Cut into desired sizes.

Tip: decorate the top with coconut flakes and cocoa nibs.

Avocado Peach Smoothie

1          ripe yellow peach
1/2       large cucumber
1          avocado
1/4       cup coconut milk
1/2       cup ice cubes
1          cup grapes (preferably frozen)
1          pitted date
1/2       lemon 

  • Peel lemon and remove its seeds. 

  • Mix everything in a high speed blender or Vita-Mix until smooth and creamy.

Flax Seed Crackers

1/2     cup quinoa
1        cup filtered water
2        pitted dates
3/4     cup  golden flax seed meal ( freshly grind is the best)
1/3     cup Brazil nuts
1/3     cup cashews
1        teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of sea salt

  • Wash and rinse quinoa several times and soak it in water for at least two hours; overnight is the best. Rinse again, drain and cook the quinoa in a small pot with 1 cup of filtered water and dates for 10-15 minutes. All the liquid should be evaporated.  Cool for 5-10 minutes.

  • Grind Brazil nuts and cashews in a food processor.  Add flax seed meal, cinnamon and sea salt, pulse a few times.  Add quinoa mixture and turn the machine on for 1 minute. It roughly gathers into a ball. (If the dough is too dry and coarse add 1 or 2 tablespoons of water and turn on the machine again.)

  • Take the dough out of the food processor shape it into a ball and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

  • Preheat the oven to 320 degrees.

  • Cut 3 pieces of parchment paper (15x15 inches).

  • Cut the dough in half.

  • Place one paper over a board or a flat surface, put half of the dough in the middle of it, cover with second piece of parchment paper and  carefully roll the dough until it is less than 1/8 of an inch thick (about 2 millimeters).

  • Cut the dough into small squares, with a help of a knife or cookie cutter, (about 1 3/4x1 3/4 inches).  Remove the scraps and transfer the paper with cut cracker dough to a baking sheet and bake until edges begin to brown (about 25-27 minutes). Check frequently. 

  • Repeat for the second half of the dough.

Tip: put your favorite cheese with fresh slices of figs on top of the crackers.


Strawberry Ice Cream

1             cup raw or organic milk
1             cup raw or organic cream
10-12      medium strawberries
1/2          teaspoon pure vanilla powder
1/3-1/2   cup xylitol

  • Mix all the ingredients in a blender. Transfer the mixture to your ice cream maker bowl.

  • Follow your ice cream maker instructions.