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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


5          pounds tomatoes
2          tablespoons butter
1 1/3    cup chopped onion
3/4       cup green, red or yellow bell pepper.
4          tablespoons tomato paste
1/4       teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4       teaspoon ground mustard seeds
1/4       teaspoon cumin powder
1          teaspoon sea salt (add more to taste)
1/3       cup bean flour
2          tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2          tablespoons Bragg Liquid Amino
3 1/2    tablespoons xylitol

  • Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.

  • Puree tomatoes in a blender.

  • On a medium to low heat melt the butter and saute the onions and peppers until golden in a medium pot.

  • Pour the tomato puree along with tomato paste, cayenne pepper, ground mustard seed and cumin powder into the pot. Mix well.

  • Bring to a boil, cover and transfer to the oven for 2 1/2 hours. Incorporate  sea salt and bean flour and return to the oven for another hour.

  • Remove from the oven  add xylitol , apple cider vinegar and Liquid Amino to the pot, mix well, and simmer on the stove while you are adding the ingredients.

  • Return to the oven and cook for another hour or until the desired consistency. Add more sea salt to taste.

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