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Monday, October 3, 2011

Amaranth Millet Chocolaté Bar

Dry ingredients:

1/4          cup whole millet
1/4          cup stone ground amaranth flour
1/4          cup coconut flour
1/2          cup ground walnuts
1/2          cup ground hazelnuts
1/2           teaspoon stevia powder

Rest of the ingredients: 

2              ounces of unsweetened (99 %) 
                dark chocolate
1/4           cup xylitol
1/4           teaspoon cardamom powder
1/4           teaspoon pure vanilla powder
1/2           teaspoon grated fresh ginger
3              organic free range eggs
3/4           cup raw or organic whole milk
1/8-1/4    cup date syrup 

  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

  • Cover the bottom of a 9-inch glass pie dish or square baking dish with parchment paper and lightly grease with oil or butter.

  • Mix dry ingredients in a medium bowl.

  • Put chocolate, xylitol, cardamom, ginger and vanilla powder in a small pan (bowl). Melt the chocolate mixture by placing it on top of a steaming pot (double boiler). Mix well.

  • Beat the eggs until pale yellow with a mixer.  Lower the speed and while the machine is still running gradually  add milk and melted chocolate mixture. Mix in  the dry ingredients at the end.

  • Transfer the batter to the prepared dish.   Fill a larger baking tray with water and place the dish contained with the  batter inside the tray. Put both dishes in the oven and bake for 40 minutes.

  • Remove the baked batter from the oven. Poke the surface of the cake with a fork a few times and pour the date syrup all over the top while it is still hot and steamy. Wait until all the syrup is absorbed. Cut into desired shape.

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