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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Flax Seed Crackers

1/2     cup quinoa
1        cup filtered water
2        pitted dates
3/4     cup  golden flax seed meal ( freshly grind is the best)
1/3     cup Brazil nuts
1/3     cup cashews
1        teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of sea salt

  • Wash and rinse quinoa several times and soak it in water for at least two hours; overnight is the best. Rinse again, drain and cook the quinoa in a small pot with 1 cup of filtered water and dates for 10-15 minutes. All the liquid should be evaporated.  Cool for 5-10 minutes.

  • Grind Brazil nuts and cashews in a food processor.  Add flax seed meal, cinnamon and sea salt, pulse a few times.  Add quinoa mixture and turn the machine on for 1 minute. It roughly gathers into a ball. (If the dough is too dry and coarse add 1 or 2 tablespoons of water and turn on the machine again.)

  • Take the dough out of the food processor shape it into a ball and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

  • Preheat the oven to 320 degrees.

  • Cut 3 pieces of parchment paper (15x15 inches).

  • Cut the dough in half.

  • Place one paper over a board or a flat surface, put half of the dough in the middle of it, cover with second piece of parchment paper and  carefully roll the dough until it is less than 1/8 of an inch thick (about 2 millimeters).

  • Cut the dough into small squares, with a help of a knife or cookie cutter, (about 1 3/4x1 3/4 inches).  Remove the scraps and transfer the paper with cut cracker dough to a baking sheet and bake until edges begin to brown (about 25-27 minutes). Check frequently. 

  • Repeat for the second half of the dough.

Tip: put your favorite cheese with fresh slices of figs on top of the crackers.


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