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Monday, October 3, 2011

Cheese Cake Ice Cream

Topping (make the topping in advance)

2/3    cup walnuts
1/3    cup almond meal
1       tablespoon date syrup
1       tablespoon xylitol
1/4    teaspoon vanilla powder
2       tablespoons coconut oil
1       tablespoon coconut flour

  • Combine all the ingredients in a food processor. The mixture should resemble a paste and  be easily removed from the bowl. 

  • Set aside 1/3 of a cup to be mixed with the ice cream later.

  • Make a thin  layer (1/4 of an inch) with the reminder of the topping on the bottom of a dish that you want to transfer the ice cream into later. 


8     ounces of cream cheese
1     cup organic or raw whole milk
1     cup organic or raw cream
2     organic free range eggs
1/3  cup xylitol
Zest of 1 lemon
Juice of one lemon 
1     teaspoon vanilla 

  • Combine cream cheese, milk and cream in a blender until well mixed.

  • Put eggs, xylitol, lemon juice, lemon zest and vanilla in a bowl or a small sauce pan. Place the bowl or the sauce pan on top of a steaming pan (double boiler) and whisk the egg mixture for about 10 minutes until it is smooth and thickens into the consistency of gravy.

  • Remove from the stove, let it cool down for a couple of minutes. Gradually lighten the egg mixture with the cream and milk mixture.

  • Pour the batter into an ice cream maker bowl and follow its instructions.

  • Right before the ice cream is done sprinkle 1/3 cup of the topping that you have made ready in advance into the ice cream maker bowl while it is still spinning.

  • Spoon the ice cream on top of the layer of topping in the 8x8 inches dish.

  • Put in freezer.

  • To serve, invert on a serving platter. 

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