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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chocolate Mousse

2/3  cup raw or organic cream
10   drops stevia liquid
2     tablespoons xylitol
1     cup raw or organic milk, or coconut milk
1     tablespoon cocoa powder
1     teaspoon agar agar 
Chopped nuts and cut fruits as desired (optional)

  • Put cream in a mixing bowl. Turn the mixer on slow speed and gradually add stevia drops, then xylitol. Set at a higher speed and beat the cream until it forms soft peaks.

  • Put milk, cocoa powder and agar agar in a small sauce pan and heat on low. Stir occasionally  until agar agar is dissolved. You can always use a blender to speed up the process.

  •  Let the mixture cool down (5-10 minutes.)

  • Gradually mix cream and milk mixture together. Make sure that you get a smooth and uniform mixture.  Now would be a good time to add chopped nuts and cut friuts into the mousse before it becomes gelatinized.  Transfer to a dish and refrigerate. 

Tip: In order to have a white color layer, omit cocoa powder and make another mousse layer on top of the first one after the first layer has been gelatinized.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chicken Kabob

2     pounds organic or free-range chicken 
2     onions
3     cloves of garlic
1     teaspoon turmeric powder
1/2  cup olive oil
1     cup fresh lemon juice
Sea salt and pepper to taste
pinch of saffron powder (optional)

  • Cut chicken breast into small rectangular cube (approximately 1.5 x 1 x .5 inches). Transfer to a glass container with a tight lid.

  • Place all the other ingredients in Vita-Mix or a high speed blender. Liquefy and pass through a sieve or a few layers of cheese cloth and pour the juice over the chicken pieces. Fasten the lid and shake well.

  • Marinate chicken in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or over night for the best result.

  • Light barbecue.

  • Thread the chickens on skewers and grill. (1/2 inch wide skewer) 

Tip: Grill some small tomatoes and other vegetable with chicken.

SooFoo Sushi

1 1/2   cup SooFoo soaked in water with
            1/2 teaspoon sea salt for at least
            2 hours or overnight

2-21/2  cup filtered water
1          teaspoon butter ( optional)
1          teaspoon sea salt


Prepare the sauce in advance.


1/4    cup tamari
1       teaspoon xylitol
1       teaspoon date syrup  ( you can
         use 1 more teaspoon xylitol
         instead of date syrup)
1/3    cup apple cider vinegar

1/4    cup mirin

Mix all the ingredients together. Heat the sauce if you have a hard time dissolving xylitol.


Prepare and cut the ingredients in advance. 

Inside the rolls

3      avocados pitted and sliced
2-3   Japanese cucumber sliced
1      package of nori (roasted seaweed)
8-9   ounces sushi grade salmon or
        smoked salmon sliced into stripes 
1      package sprouted beans or grains

Always refrigerate raw fish after cutting.


  • Rinse SooFoo.
  • Add SooFoo to the boiling water.
  • Let it cook for  45 minutes.  It should have a sticky consistency. 
  • Run a hand blender through the cooked SooFoo a couple of times to achieve a coarser mixture or pulse a few times in the food processor.  Do not over mix.
  • Transfer SooFoo to a bamboo or wooden bowl (a cutting board). Cut trough SooFoo with a bamboo spoon and gradually mix in the sauce as the SooFoo cools down. Keep cutting through and don't stir SooFoo until you have mixed in enough sauce according to your taste. 



  • Place one sheet of nori (seaweed) on a board or a flat surface. Spread SooFoo mixture gently over the whole area of nori to make a thin layer of SooFoo.
  • Place sliced pieces of fish, cucumber, avocado and sprouted bean on top of SooFoo 1 and 1/2 inches away from the edge of nori ( usually couple of strips of each is enough).
  • Slowly roll up seaweed starting from the edge close to where you placed the sliced pieces.
  • Cut the roll into an inch cylinder.


Saffron Powder

Saffron is usually available in the store in the form of threads.  It will be easier to use if you grind saffron into powder in a clean coffee grinder with a dash of sea salt. You can store the powder in a container and keep for a long time.  When you want to use saffron,  
mix 1/8 teaspoon of saffron powder with 1-2 tablespoons of hot water to dissolve saffron. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Lavender Lemonade

1      tablespoon dried lavender flower 
4      cups filtered water
1      cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (about
        5 medium lemon)
40    drops stevia liquid (add more stevia to 

  • Boil 2 cups of water. Combine lavender flowers with water and let them steep for at least 10 minutes. Strain lavender mixture through a fine sieve into a pitcher.

  • Add lemon juice, stevia and the remaining 2 cups of water to the  pitcher.  Mix well and keep cool.

Tip: mix 1/3 cup of soaked chia seeds in 1 cup of water, into your drink.