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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chicken Kabob

2     pounds organic or free-range chicken 
2     onions
3     cloves of garlic
1     teaspoon turmeric powder
1/2  cup olive oil
1     cup fresh lemon juice
Sea salt and pepper to taste
pinch of saffron powder (optional)

  • Cut chicken breast into small rectangular cube (approximately 1.5 x 1 x .5 inches). Transfer to a glass container with a tight lid.

  • Place all the other ingredients in Vita-Mix or a high speed blender. Liquefy and pass through a sieve or a few layers of cheese cloth and pour the juice over the chicken pieces. Fasten the lid and shake well.

  • Marinate chicken in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or over night for the best result.

  • Light barbecue.

  • Thread the chickens on skewers and grill. (1/2 inch wide skewer) 

Tip: Grill some small tomatoes and other vegetable with chicken.

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