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Sunday, May 22, 2011


Stevia does not raise your blood sugar
Stevia is derived from a plant (daisy family) 
Stevia and  citrus fruits work much better together
Stevia and cinnamon complement each other’s tastes
Stevia and cocoa powder with the help of other sweeteners can be a great match.

Stevia is great with dairy products  such as  yogurt and kefir

There are different forms of stevia:

  • Liquid

  • White powder (concentrated)

  • Dried leaves or dried leaves powder 

  • Spoonable ( less concentrated form) 

   Depending on the way stevia is processed, its bitterness and its aftertaste can vary. Some brands claim that they have eliminated its bitter aftertaste. You will be the judge!
Don’t give up on stevia because it  does not have the same taste as sugar. Stevia is sweet but it is not sugar. It may take time and effort to begin to use stevia as a sweetener but it is well worth it.
   You can make your own liquid stevia. In general, whether you buy liquid stevia or make your own, liquid stevia is easier to use. Since tiny amounts of stevia can make a significant  change in a recipe, using liquid dropper to measure and add stevia to your other ingredients is much safer.
    To make your own liquid stevia from stevia powder, for every teaspoon of stevia powder use 3 tablespoon of purified water and mix well until dissolved. Pour in to bottle with a dropper cap.
   Some known brands of liquid stevia and their websites are:
   Of course you can find other brands at  Make sure that you read the label and avoid unnatural preservatives and additives like maltodextrin.

   Some of the information above  was taken from the book  "the Stevia cookbook"
By Ray Sahelian, M.D., and Donna Gates

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