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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mixed Quinoa bulgur pilaf with chicken breast

3-4  pieces of free range chicken breast
1     medium onion chopped into four 
1     bay leaf
sea salt and pepper
1/2  teaspoon turmeric
Pinch of saffron powder
Sea salt and pepper to taste

  • Put together all the ingredients except for saffron into a pan on medium to low heat.  Lower the heat even further after 5 minutes to let the chicken breasts cook slowly in their own juice. 
  • Mix saffron powder with 1 tablespoon of hot water to dissolve and pour over the chicken after it is cooked.

Quinoa and bulgur

1      tablespoon raw or organic butter
1/4   cup bulgur
1      cup quinoa  (black, white or red) washed
        and drained
3      tablespoon tomato sauce or strained 
1 and 1/2  cups vegetable or chicken broth 
Sea salt and pepper to taste

  • Melt the butter in a heavy sauce pan.
  • Add bulgur and saute for about 3-4 minutes.
  • Mix quinoa, tomato sauce, broth, sea salt and pepper with bulgur in the pan.
  • Cover and let it cook for about 15 minutes or until all the liquid is evaporated. Stir occasionally.

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