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Monday, July 18, 2011

Grainless Granola

 Option 1
1/2  cup walnuts
1/2  cup cashews
1/3  cup coconut flakes
1/4  cup pumpkin seeds
1/4  cup sunflower seeds
2     tablespoons date, coconut, 
       or agave syrup or honey
1/2  cup plus 1 tablespoon more 
       coconut milk
       zest of 1 lemon or orange
1/2  teaspoon cardamom powder
Raw milk, almond milk, coconut milk
       as desired 

  • Mix together walnuts, cashews, coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and cardamom powder into a food processor bowl. Pulse until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. 

  • Transfer to a glass container with a tight lid.  Add coconut milk, syrup ( or honey ) and lemon zest to the container and incorporate well.  Cover and soak over night in the refrigerator. 

  • You can pour more milk over the granola or have that by itself.
Option 2

1/2   cup walnuts
1/2   cup cashews
1/3   cup coconut flakes
1/4   cup pumpkin seeds
1/4   cup sunflower seeds
2      tablespoons date, coconut, or 
        agave syrup or honey
1/2   cup plus  1 tablespoon coconut 
1/2   teaspoon  cardamom powder
zest of 1 lemon or orange
Raw milk, almond milk, coconut milk as desired

  • Mix together walnuts, cashews, coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and cardamom powder into a food processor bowl. Pulse until resembles coarse crumbs. 

  • Transfer to a glass container with a tight lid.  Add coconut milk, syrup ( or honey ) and lemon zest to the container and incorporate well.  Cover and soak over night in the refrigerator.

  • Toast granola mixture by transferring to a frying pan on a very low heat.  Stir frequently. Seeds and nuts lose their moisture gradually and they turn in to a darker color. 

Add milk right away or wait until it cools down.


Option 3

1/2   cup walnuts
1/2   cup cashews
1/3   cup coconut flakes
1/4   cup pumpkin seeds
1/4   cup sunflower seeds
2      tablespoons cacao butter (grated)
2      tablespoons date, coconut,
        or agave syrup or honey
1/2   cup plus 1 tablespoon coconut milk
Zest of 1 lemon or orange

  • Mix together walnuts, cashews, coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds into a food processor bowl. Pulse until resembles coarse crumbs. 

  • Transfer to a glass container with a tight lid.  Add coconut milk, syrup ( or honey ) and lemon zest to the container and incorporate well.  Cover and soak over night in the refrigerator.

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  • Melt cacao butter then add it to granola.  Mix well.

  • Spoon the mixture in a small backing dish or a silicon mold.  Bake for 35 minutes or until you can see  crust forming on the edges.